We are delighted to share our news. We received Silver prize for this 8th International Fiber Art Biennial this year again. Although we were not able to attend the ceremony due to the busy schedule, we are very honored and it gave us a big encouragement to keep creating new work. There were 655 works submitted from 43 countries this year. 中国南通での第8回国際タペストリービエンナーレにて今回も前回に続き銀賞をいただきました。都合で授賞式に出席出来ませんでしたが、大変光栄な事で、大きな励みになりこれからも頑張ろうと思っております。世界43カ国から655点の応募があったそうです。 http://art.china.cn/zixun/2014-10/01/content_7275514.htm |
LocationAuthorKUSAMA TEXTILE 28 Yagami Akaiwa-shi Okayama, Japan 709-0734
April 2017
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